
How Much YouTube Paid Me for a Video with 100k Views


Hello there! My name is Sophia Mitropoulos, I'm an artist and a YouTuber and a creator and one of my videos just hit 100,000 views for the first time, which is very exciting. If you've been following me at all or if you've seen some of my earlier videos, I have made videos in the past about my analytics and my growth and kind of the strategic planning behind that and also getting monetized and all that stuff and there's a whole playlist about that that you can watch of my stuff.

Today we're gonna sit down and I'm gonna show you in the back end of my YouTube Creator Studio, of how much money I made on that video with 100,000 views and then also compare it to my smaller videos. Videos with 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, and 25,000 views. Just so you get a good sense of what that kind of YouTube growth can look like. Most of the videos that we're gonna look at today are from over a year ago which is pretty interesting.

It's worth mentioning that my channel got monetized in November of last year and many of these videos are older than that, so the video has been up longer and generating views longer than it's been monetized, so take that into consideration. But that also is something worth noting if you're working on monetizing your own channel. You do still gain value on videos that perform well before you get monetized. And I'll show you some more of that. I'm going to jump on my computer and we'll take a look at what some of these analytics look like. The first video I'm going to show you is actually the only one in this whole group that's been up for as long as i've been monetized. It was actually the first video I made after getting monetized it was about how I got monetized in six months. The video now as it stands has 1.4k views. I published it November 27, 2020, so at this point, almost exactly a year ago. That's not that many views for an entire year, but regardless, it did pretty well for me. I gained 31 subscribers on it which is awesome. Most people found it through search which was the goal of that video, but ultimately I ended up making $6.30 on this video over an entire year. Is that a lot of money? No.

RPM refers to revenue per milli, so how much money you earned per thousand views a video with a $4.64 RPM is not that high. A lot of times advertisers will pay more money for higher desired topics, so for example, videos about minimalism don't have really high RPMs but videos about finance typically do. Because advertisers want to advertise you, I don't know, money things- you know- banks and credit cards and all those sort of things that they can't do in a finance video. But in a minimalism video where you're like 'sell all your stuff and have nothing,' what are they going to sell you as an advertiser? So it's not really a valuable audience for them. That's something important to keep in mind.

The next video we'll go to has 6,500 views it is from July of 2020 and I made $17.90 on it the RPM is $2.72, so it's a lot less expensive for advertisers to put their ads in front of my video. But it is worth noting that this is one of those videos where I put the video up in July of 2020, but I didn't get monetized until November, so on the first day that I got monetized, I made four cents on this video, but the next day i made 22 cents, and then 44 cents and then i started making coins per day. Now $17 in over a year and a half, it's not a lot of money, but if you're cranking out a lot of videos and they're getting somewhere in this range, you know that adds up. The next video we'll take a look at is one that's actually doing really well right now for me and my channel. It started to pick up quite a bit just kind of out of nowhere. I published this video also in July of 2020, so almost a year and a half ago now, and it's been performing consistently well, but relatively mediocre but recently YouTube has just been pumping it to people. It got picked up by the algorithm it's been showing up on people's home pages, and in browse features, and in suggested videos, and I've gotten a huge spike on it in the past like week or two. This video has made me $61.44, so as far as the RPM it's $5.23 which is higher than my other videos so as you can see so far the painting video didn't do so well but I'm kind of surprised that this video about quitting instagram is doing well because it's like, what are you selling them? I don't know but regardless, it is pretty interesting to see which videos have the highest RPM and which topics.

In the 25k range, I have a video at 24k and I have a video at 25k but i decided to go with the one with 24,000 because it got published closer to when I got monetized, so it's been up and collecting money while monetized for longer, so I figured that would be a little bit more valuable information this video has a much lower RPM. It has an RPM of a $1.86 but it has made me $46.06. Essentially what that tells me is that there is a balance between how much money you're making because of the cost of what the advertisers pay to be in front of your video versus pure views and clicks. Ideally you want both of those things to be high and you'll make the most money per video, but sometimes you don't really get to choose or even have the ability to predict which ones are going to do well it is kind of topical to each channel. I know there's a bunch of other channels that talk about this kind of stuff and how much other YouTubers make in their niche I guess it really depends on who your audience is and what advertisers want to be in front of that audience and how much they're willing to pay to be there.

Finally the one that you're here for: the video with a 100,000 views. I did not expect this video to get this many views but it has. I put it up in August of 2020 and it has been a pretty consistent performer for me. It very quickly rose to the top of my top performing videos i've gotten 2,000 subscribers for it which is nearly half of my audience which is kind of crazy, and it has an RPM of $4.35 which is on the higher side for my channel, or at least like above average. So total this video again after missing a few months of being up and doing well without being monetized total has made me $443.25. Which is pretty good! I will take $443.20.

In the middle of this year, around the summer time, I took a really long break from making videos, mostly because I was burned out. But I had been really consistent, I had been making two videos a week every week consistently since I started the channel to when I got monetized, and that was really integral for my success and now I'm coming back and trying to reassess how i'm approaching making videos, and to pivot my content to make something else- that's not art related. Because of that, I think some of this information is a little bit lacking, but I also think it's really important because by hustling and working to the point where I got my channel monetized, it allowed me to take a break and still be making money. I wasn't making that much money without posting consistent videos, even though some of my videos were still continuing to do well. Without having the consistent flow of content going up frequently, the algorithm very slowly started to decrease the performance of my other videos. Understandably! I wasn't an active content creator, my subscribers weren't getting stuff from me, it makes sense to promote creators that are active and publishing. Is it enough for me to live off of? Absolutely not. But if I keep producing videos at a consistent pace, eventually something's gonna hit.

My advice to you if you're a YouTuber and you're trying to get to the point of getting one of your videos to pop off is: watch a lot of YouTube, make a lot of videos, and just be thinking really critically about what you would want to click on and maybe what's not there. Ali Abdaal had this really great quote, and he says "It just takes one piece of content to change your life and you just never know which piece of content it's gonna be," and what that tells me is that you really just have to keep cranking videos out. It's - consistency is one of the most important parts of getting your channel to the point of getting monetized, and then getting one of those videos to be successful to the point that it continues to grow without you. And that is the beauty of YouTube and the creator lifestyle, I suppose, is that you can just keep trying and having fun and sometimes things that you don't really expect to succeed will.

Let me know where you're at in your YouTube growth strategy process if you have any questions leave them down in the comments and i will try my best to answer them using what I know. Again, my name is Sophia Mitropoulos, I have other videos about all sorts of things that are popping up around me. If you're new here, please subscribe to my channel! I'd love to have you around. I'm making all sorts of new videos these days, consistently on Fridays at noon, but that might change slightly, I might like push it to Saturdays at 1pm kind of thing, but for the most part consistently Fridays at noon for now. Thank you so much for watching, my name is Sophia Mitropoulos, I hope you enjoyed that, I'll see you in the next one, bye!

Sophia Mitropoulos